Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Catching up

I'm not sure how many followers we have at this point, but if you were wondering where we disappeared to, I'm sorry about that.  Karen was actually here with me for tow weeks, along with her husband and kids, AND our parents! It was a big ol' family vacation (except for the part where I still had to go to work). 

So while they were here, I didn't do much knitting, because we spent most of the evenings doing things.  We enjoyed a lot of dinners out, and did a LOT of shopping.  And when I did have time to make stuff, I did little things, and I decided not to worry about blogging.

But I'm back, and full of updates!  Here's what I've finished since last time:

My KSP1 KAL Handwarmers v2, knit with Inspiration Dyeworks Basic Sock in the Knitting Samurai Plus 1 colorway on US 1 needles.  I LOVE these! Going down a needle size made a huge difference, and they fit just the way I like them.

My Hamrick fingerless gloves, made from a mystery yarn from my stash, on US 2 needles.  I made this pattern up as I went, and finished them in a day.  I really like these, too, as a kind of fancy look, and I've decided that I'm going to write out the pattern and put it up on Ravelry.  The name comes from the event - I knit them up to wear to a friend's wedding.

Mum's Moonlight Shawl!!! I finished the knitting last night, got it soaked and blocked, and it's almost dry - it's going to be ready for Christmas! I'm so excited!  I knit this in Cascade Yarns Alpaca Lace Paints on US 1. I also added some teeny tiny seed beads, which don't show up in this photo very well, but add a really pretty sparkle in real life.

I also finished one of my Hermione's Everyday Socks, and I cast on the second.  I'm just past the toe, about two repeats into the pattern on the top of the foot.

I don't have any photos yet, but I also made a few crocheted necklaces for my mum.  I'll try to get photos of those soon, and I'll post them at some point.

So all of that is done!  But there is still so much to knit!  So here's what I've got on the needles:
- my beau's Christmas present
- KSP1 KAL Handwarmers v3 
- my Hermione's Everyday Socks
- my monster sweater
Why is it called my monster sweater? Because it looks like I'm knitting a muppet-type monster!

And there's still so much to knit before Christmas! 

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